Focus on

Your Dream

There’s no doubt about it, focus is a crucial skill in becoming successful and achieving your dreams. Without it, your productivity will be low and the progress you make towards any goals will be minimal. Plus any work that you do manage to eventually produce won’t be anywhere near the standard it could be. So it leaves the question, what are some excellent ways to stay focused on your dreams?

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My 3 main concerns in 2022


Idea generation or ideation is the act of forming ideas. It is a creative process that encompasses the generation, development and communication of new thoughts and concepts, which become the basis of your innovation strategy. More I practice more ideas will generate in my mind.


For young learners, programming helps to gain problem-solving skills i.e. to solve a problem in a logical as well as creative way. Coding also enhances thinking ability and enables one to think logically, strategically and analytically.


Life goals come in all shapes and sizes. While your life goals will be personal to you, there are several common life goals many people share. To help you think of your own, here are 100 life goal ideas to consider:

Pushing Past Your Limits

A few years ago I decided to go to the gym. I would regularly lift weights, do my cardio and eat well to gain muscle. I had reached my limit. What happened was I had become complacent in my exercise routine by lifting with the same amount of weight and reps every single time I went to the gym. Only after increasing the weight and pushing myself to work harder was I able to take my weight-lifting goals to the next level. I think this situation is similar to the trouble most people have in achieving their goals and dreams. No matter what you want to achieve, you’re going to eventually reach your limits and make little or no progress. You just have to make sure your limit is not making a problem.

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Realize Your Goals

I made it my life's mission to realize big dreams. I've spent the last decade pursuing big audacious goals. Sometimes I failed, sometimes I succeed, but always, I learned. I have set some principles. I mentor others with these same principles. I even created my own software tool based on these principles.

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